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7Days7SalesTips – # 1 – Customer Experience

Like Warby Parker, you should also be committed towards society, however, it shouldn’t come first.

Warby Parker is an eye-glasses retailer, selling products through online mode & retail locations.

Ever since it started, the team was committed to improving lives of the society.

So, on front page of the website, they wrote their social mission, “Buy a pair, give a pair”, where company would donate a pair of glasses to needy ones, for each pair bought by the customers.

Warby Parker’s team thought it would impress the customers. However, no one turned up to buy eye-glasses, because of the social initiative.


Social initiative impresses people, but it can’t impact a customer’s purchasing decision.

Warby Parker changed its strategy and focused on style and fit of sunglasses.

It ensured that customers got full value for the money they spent, and that’s when the sales grew.

What’s the tip?

A company should be committed towards society, however, customer experience should be enhanced besides improving the quality of products and services to convince people to buy.

What are you focusing more on – social causes or customer experience?

Drop your valuable comments in the section below.


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