I once hired a man in his late 50s.
My company was a bit skeptical when I made that decision.
I told HR: “He comes with experience which is unbeatable – exactly what I need in my team”
He proved me right.
It did not take him more than two weeks after joining to start solving complex issues for us which were pending since 4 years.
I believe, to create a winning team:
1) If a candidate proves that they “deserve it” – pick them fast.
2) Judging people by their age is the greatest form of discrimination.
“Ageism” is an unfortunately common reality in the workplace.
But on the one hand, companies are chasing “high-performers” with “proven experience” …
While on the other hand they try to look for this within members of the demographic which by definition are too new to the workforce to have proved much of anything.
Above all, everyone deserving, deserves a chance!