“You need to think more innovative to get business”

“You need to think more innovative to get business” Many sales people hear this on daily basis. ( The irony is most bosses...

WHY Uber become a success? and what can you learn from it…

“Your driver knows where to go and the payment is completely cashless.” Seems a familiar line? Yes, Uber has explained its unique value...

How you can help the customer to help your business???

Best Buy” was lacking behind and no one was assured of its success against Amazon. However, from a place to buy CDs, its...

Why meeting rooms don’t grow customers but THIS strategy does…

“Keep your customers in priority, always, because once you lose sight of them, you start losing the customers”. When a business begins, customers...

Read this before you hire a content writer…

Have you hired a content writer to publish 3 blogs every day on your website and drive traffic? You are wasting hard-earned money...

How are you approaching your customers?

Don’t hire a business development team or member for blind product pitching, because it will dent your reputation. Sending template-based messages or emails...

Are you forcing your employees to have lunch in office?

“My boss keeps a track of my lunch schedule and starts interrogating if I am late by even 5 minutes to return to...

How to advertise without burning your money!

My client thought he was being cheated by his media buying agency. I was recently called by owner of a SME for a...

How to Scale your company “right” and “light” ?

Scaling a business is an important part of growth, but it’s easy to make mistakes. More businesses suffer due to mismanagement than revenues....

The biggest lie which sales people say!

“My product / service is the number 1, you must buy from us” Often sales reps forget that clients are not sitting to...