
No one EVER forgets how you made them feel.

Many years back, I started a new job. My boss gave me a task on the first day. Somehow I could not do...

Nothing we do is more important than hiring people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not strategies.

I saw a job advert on my timeline. The job description stated: “A social media manager, who knows Graphic designing, Video editing, Copywriting...

Defining boundaries is so important in anything we do.

I did not hire someone who was perfect for the job. A job seeker sent over 50 resumés to us recently. He had...

Maturity is not by age, but by mindset.

When I finished my 10th grade and was preparing for college, I had a friend who stopped his studies & started working in...

Valuing the ones who add value to us.

I know someone who owed his employees. He managed a big & successful company. He believed no one will ever leave, Because there...

Someone’s “big” can be your “little”!”

My friend hired someone nobody wanted to hire! He hired someone with down syndrome. “If companies can hire freshers, people with disabilities should...

Most of the things we fear don’t exist.

Many years ago, I worked with a toxic boss. Whenever he was around, Everyone would be in a panic. He would yell at...

We are all humans, and we need each other.

Once, my employee’s wife lost her pregnancy. I wasn’t aware because he was always showing up at work. But I noticed his work...

Never assume unless you ask.

I once offered someone in my team a hundred percent salary increment. But she turned it down. “That’s a joke!” I thought. But...

Boss, everyday discussing complex issues at home is effecting my sleep and family time.

I worked with a boss who would not stop calling me after 7 pm. He used to call me for the smallest of...