
Sell me this Pen!

If you are involved in a startup, you must know how to sell. Period! And if you are in position of power in...

Are we in need of a “Start-up School” ?

Why 9 out of 10 new businesses fail? Despite Investors consistently pouring investments in Startups , unfortunately there is no reputed Business Training...

Will the next generation be called ” Salaried Entrepreneurs” or Gen Z?

Baby Boomers: Generation X: Millennials or Gen Y: B Gen Salaried Entrepreneurs??? With influx of funds and everybody trying to raise monies, are we...

This is ONE Dangerous Trend Amongst Start Ups

“OK, I’m in business. Time to start hiring people.” I have seen so many companies committing mistake of assuming that ” More People...

Why this company FAILED… and what you can learn from it

One of my neighbors shut doors despite high sales! Often sales volume is considered as the “hidden success key” of business. Many fail...

How To Reach Your Audience with TV

Branding is an important role for business growth and I feel TV plays an important role in that. However, please note, I said...

How to dramatically TURN AROUND running businesses

Countless corporate giants have crashed and burned like Sears Roebuck & Co., U.S. Steel, Eastman Kodak and Pan Am, to name a few....

Money saved is money earned?

Once upon a time a loser said “ Money saved is money earned!” As per a recent study done by Forbes, One of...

Avoid this ONE wrong decision in business.

You have launched your dream project and are already putting 14-15 hours a day to make it a success. You are juggling many...

This game is not for the weak-hearted!

My friends generally ask me how can I consistently keep on working with start up projects without losing enthusiasm. The reason is that...