Home Uncategorized There is always a different perspective to look at the same situation.

There is always a different perspective to look at the same situation.

A candidate tweaked her resume for the interview.

She didn’t have the experience she mentioned…
She lied about her age…
And she lied about her skills.

During the meeting she opened up and said the truth hesitantly.

“I am sorry, but there was no other way to pass the pre-screening phase of HR and get invited for an interview to showcase my skills for the role”.

My boss did not react when she said that.

She finished the interview and got the role.

I was stunned on what was going on.

It was one of my first instances to be present in an interview session.

And I had never heard of anything like that in my life.

I could not help myself and asked my boss on what he just did?

He said, “If hiring systems continue to be broken and HR will only look for “Ideal Fits” for interview calls, candidates will continue to lie”.

“We must find ways to look beyond CVs”, he added.

I may never be able to hire someone who lies in an interview, however I learned:

1) There is always a different perspective to look at the same situation.

2) We must never stop trying, things can work in our favor anytime.

Would you agree?


#hiring #talentacquisition #business #businessacumen

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