Home Uncategorized Relationships in business are often byproducts of your excellent sales delivery.

Relationships in business are often byproducts of your excellent sales delivery.

His job was hanging on the wire.

He rang me and told me he was doomed.

”I am not getting a sale. What am I doing wrong?”

Over the years I have identified 4 mindsets which consistently result in underperformance in sales!

1) Sales is a numbers game – it is NOT.

2) Relationships are necessary – Relationships may only help to open the door, the value of your preposition helps close the sale.

3) Make friends first before selling – You are not in sales to make friends, you are there to help prospects solve their pain points.

4) Rejection means No – Rejection either means you are speaking to the wrong prospect or you were not able to prove value of your offerings.

Stop confusing being timid and being friendly with being a nice salesman.

Relationships in business are often byproducts of your excellent sales delivery.


#sales #business #focusonwhatmatters

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