“Why I am not able to lose more weight, It seems the weigh scale forgot to move”
I shared my agony with my gym trainer.
“Despite putting 1 hour 3 times per week in gym”, I added.
He said, “ Instead of counting the time you spend here, count the number of calories you are burning”
Numbers can be deceiving, isn’t it?
Lesson learned:
👉👉 KPIs only help when you know what to measure! 👈👈
Isn’t it disturbing that some people put unnecessary importance on metrics which don’t matter?
I don’t care if you have 1000000 or 100 followers, I will connect with you.
Aren’t we all the same irrespective of the titles and numbers?
You have no idea who the stranger is in real life.
All of our best friends were strangers once.
Are we strangers yet?
Lets connect!
#kpis #metrics #networkingworks