Anxiety happens when the reality is different then our expectations. Everything has a price tag, however the best things in life are free....
Byzeeshan amin“You need to think more innovative to get business” Many sales people hear this on daily basis. ( The irony is most bosses...
Byzeeshan aminKindness and moral support is so much underrated. Nobody can conquer the world alone! #GallaVichaar #teameffectiveness #togetherwemakeithappen
Byzeeshan aminWhen you learn to carry your own bucket of water, you will value every drop. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Any fool can criticize,...
Byzeeshan amin“Best Buy” was lacking behind and no one was assured of its success against Amazon. However, from a place to buy CDs, its...
Byzeeshan aminI had a neighbour who was relieved of his duties. The company had no tangible reason to let him go. The management of...
Byzeeshan amin“Keep your customers in priority, always, because once you lose sight of them, you start losing the customers”. When a business begins, customers...
Byzeeshan aminChallenges drive innovation! We grow when we face challanges. We grow further when we help others to overcome their challenges. What is your...
Byzeeshan aminHave you hired a content writer to publish 3 blogs every day on your website and drive traffic? You are wasting hard-earned money...
Byzeeshan aminI am not a mathematician but I found this really interesting: Assuming: A = 1 ; B = 2 ; C = 3...
Byzeeshan amin