“Move the wand and improve the sales”
Often, the sales team is considered to be a group of humans with magic wands.
Companies think that hiring someone with the title of ‘Sales/ Client Servicing Executive’ is enough for a business to start rolling.
The cycle of unnecessary pressure starts when Managers submit projections to the company without analysing the market conditions.
When the unrealistic projections are not met, salespeople from the teams are sacrificed to save the position of someone senior.
Then that senior person projects wrong targets for the next year, keeping the cycle running.
How can this problem be solved?
Companies need to have robust Key Performance Indicator (KPI) systems to evaluate and appreciate performers and weed out non-performers.
This needs to be complemented by senior management staff trained to project realistic numbers, consistently innovate and be able to build a solid roadmap for the Sales teams.
“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” –Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company
Do you agree?
#nonstoplearning #salescoaching