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Take it or Leave it

Once a client refused to do business with me.
They turned down my offer outright.

Despite that,
I sent them a Thank You email,
And remained in touch.

To my surprise, after few months, we did business together.
A month after, he also referred me to another client.

Not every client who refused me has done this.
But I have been persistent with my Thank You emails and Follow-ups.
And this simple act has worked its magic so many times.

I know many sales gurus teach the opposite today.
They want the sales people to have,
“Take it or Leave it” attitude.

To me, this is short-sightedness & arrogance,
Which may sound attractive on social media,
But does not work in the real world.

I have often observed,
The worthy things in life,
Take much more time
Then the ordinary ones.



#Business #Sales #Successformula

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