Charging customers only when it is RIGHT… In a world where companies are looking to charge subscriptions fees to the users in whatever...
Byzeeshan aminWe often fail because we are afraid to stand out among the crowd. I have seen, people don’t like it when other people...
Byzeeshan aminSecure your customers before expanding your product offerings. Many companies launch a lot of products in the beginning, without focusing on building a...
Byzeeshan aminWhen I started my business, many said it was a wrong move. ”Perhaps, you should be looking for a job, Zeeshan.” I got...
Byzeeshan aminLet your sales team bear the same pains & face the similar problems which your customers might be facing. HubSpot is a leading...
Byzeeshan aminIn every situation we can either “Try more” or “Cry more”. The choice is ours! #GallaVichaar #mindsetiseverything #attitudeiseverything
Byzeeshan aminI firmly believe that media business is business of attention. AND Right content strategy and placement is what drives attention! With consistent decline...
Byzeeshan aminThe best and the cheapest advertisement any business can have is the one done by satisfied customers. Agree? #GallaVichaar #customerappreciation #wordofmouth #satisfiedcustomer
Byzeeshan aminWant more than 950K people to see your Instagram post at once? Click some stunning videos, images or animations, and post them using...
Byzeeshan aminThis is what leadership is all about. You go as your team goes. #GallaVichaar #leadership #teameffectiveness #employeesmatter
Byzeeshan amin