“Best Buy” was lacking behind and no one was assured of its success against Amazon. However, from a place to buy CDs, its...
Byzeeshan aminI had a neighbour who was relieved of his duties. The company had no tangible reason to let him go. The management of...
Byzeeshan amin“Keep your customers in priority, always, because once you lose sight of them, you start losing the customers”. When a business begins, customers...
Byzeeshan aminChallenges drive innovation! We grow when we face challanges. We grow further when we help others to overcome their challenges. What is your...
Byzeeshan aminHave you hired a content writer to publish 3 blogs every day on your website and drive traffic? You are wasting hard-earned money...
Byzeeshan aminI am not a mathematician but I found this really interesting: Assuming: A = 1 ; B = 2 ; C = 3...
Byzeeshan aminDon’t hire a business development team or member for blind product pitching, because it will dent your reputation. Sending template-based messages or emails...
Byzeeshan aminI gave business to a competitor. 👇👇 I referred my client to a competitor. Yes, my offerings were not 100% fitting his needs....
Byzeeshan amin“My boss keeps a track of my lunch schedule and starts interrogating if I am late by even 5 minutes to return to...
Byzeeshan aminIf your company does not take care and appreciate your talent, someone else will. 👉True talents don’t need the best thing in life...
Byzeeshan amin