
The best things in life are free…

We have total control of a few important things in life. Let us take advantage of it. As they say: “I cannot change...

Do you still believe you are not good enough?

If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ That was an important lesson I learned long back. I was always afraid...

Giving up too soon…

I experienced that every new business and product launch goes through a period called β€œ Lack of Trust”. This is normal. The instances...

I used to think everything was working against me!

I used to think everything was working against me! My close friends refused to help at times when I needed the most. Finances...

Jack of all trades.

Jack of all trades. That was what I used to be. Doing this, trying that. But guess what, I was master of none....

Why sales people at times just need our empathy!

A connection pitched me six times immediately we connected. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ At first, I was upset. But I could relate. So I held peace...

Right time, place and thing is a myth!

Sometimes, the right thing doesn’t come in the right place. It is somewhere hidden in an “unwanted” place. I have learned taking calculated...

When I started as an office boy…

In 2004, I picked up a job which was considered as a “lower job” … I felt it was the right step for...

Change begins at the end of your comfort zone

Stay comfortable and stay out of growth. As they say, ” A ship in harbor is safe β€” but that is not what...

Its okay to have non-believers!

Its okay to have non-believers! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ If you are planning to introduce a new concept, talk about something new or want to introduce...