
One investment which costs zero but is always ROI positive

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. The phenomenon of “Ideal” business, job, market conditions or life doesn’t exist. I always...

Importance of Voice Search in today’s business!

Are you optimising your website and landing pages for voice search? Today, consumers are not using Alexa or Siri or Google Assistant only...

Great Leadership Show: She was shown the door for abusing the office boy!

I worked in a company where a team member was fired for insulting the office cleaner. She called the cleaner a dumb and...

What does your brand sound like?

What does your brand sound like? Voice is going to be the next big thing in marketing and as the stature of voice,...

Relationships matter

LinkedIn blocked my account 2 weeks back. They thought I was using a bot to generate illegal high amount of traffic. For the...

Story of a company who raised $28 Million!

One secret to have a customer base which always grows YOY and attracts funding! #Skillshare, the online learning platform, attracted $28 million in...

What Mercedez can teach us about innovation in leadership!

Innovation in leadership. Companies with Innovative Leadership have vision of the future. One of the key characteristics of an “Innovative Leader” is his...

Creating smart partnerships in marketing!

More than 3 million reach and 3,000+ new followers on Instagram without paid advertising? General Electrics (GE) ran a campaign #GEInstaWalk where they...

Hiring for character is always a safe bet!

He was not a good hire! Many years ago, my company employed a passionate inexperienced resource. He had just graduated from school and...

Make a customer NOT a sale!

How to make a customer without selling? I have reviewed numerous sales pitches of startups but most of them brag about themselves without...